James is passionate about preserving the Veritas family ethos that lies at the core of our company values; providing a nurturing, fun and safe working environment where our team is able to flourish - and is the key reason our clients find us so personable and reactive to their needs.

Core Expertise
Experienced CEO with Proven Success Record
Company Leadership & Vision Maker
Growth Strategy Focused Around Existing Customers & Promoting Retention
Continual Service Improvement
James loves keeping fit, and champions everyone at Veritas to ‘take a walk’. Rarely one to switch off, he is often found running or cycling around the beautiful countryside of our Head Office in Foxley. A true active relaxer, he is never happier when thinking through business matters than whilst playing a sport, or walking/running with colleagues.
Cricket is also a big part of his social calendar - playing, watching or hosting games with other like-minded people. In fact, in the past, his interest in cricket has overflowed into his career when James developed a fielding app that was adopted by England Cricket, to record and analyse fielding statistics.
Home life revolves around family, friends and food. A keen cook, gardener and avid home improver, James is never without a project on the go.